Sunday, November 2, 2014

Subliminal Message's History
 While I read through this article, I found that there are s lot of case that related to subliminal messages but all of them were said to be hoax. In my opinion, the creator done this for a point and I think they do have effects on our mind. Even in children movie have those hidden message that we can somehow clearly see it. 
"Over the years there have been literally hundreds of studies"..."these studies show that considerable information capable of informing decisions and guiding actions is perceived even when observers do not experience any awareness of perceiving".
Philip Merikle, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo.
Subliminal perception or cognition is a subset of unconscious cognition where the forms of unconscious cognition also include attending to one signal in a noisy environment while unconsciously keeping track of other signals (e.g one voice out of many in a crowded room) and tasks done automatically (e.g driving a car).
There are a lot of research need to be done in order to taking a stand in any of the controversial side of this matters. 

10 Best Subliminal Messages

This is the best 10 Subliminal messages that I found most memorable or disturbed
10. Coke's naked ladies

9. Pepsi drink

8. Lion's King movie poster

7. Tostitos
A picture of  two people and a snack bowl might get the buyer will buy it even though they're not hungry.

6.Coke again

5. Yellow Page advertisement

4.Ice cream advertisement

3. Bread

2. Candy advertisement

 1. Disney movie:
Those subliminal messages appear everywhere in our life that we do not aware of. Most of them have sexual images to help selling. Do you spot any of the message without help?

 You can also find those subliminals message inside songs

Subliminal Messages is Controversial

Subliminal Messages is Controversial and there still a lot of research need to be done to prove if it is really bad for people. But I am sure it have certain effects but not like they can really makes people do something if they did not want to.
They can not be some types of brainwash and turn people to zombies. 
I do not know if you notice this but once you had found out the subliminal messages, every time you look into one, the hidden messages will automatically pop out no matter what. Now the only thing you see is sexual images that all the advertiser or producer try to put in the pictures you see. You can not help but look at that unconsciously.

How Subliminal messages work on your mind

A lot of people do not aware of what they seen on advertisements, songs, program, TV, there always a hidden messages inside those and they are actually affect your mind unconsciously. Be aware of what you watch.

These subliminal message appears in children cartoon, program